Recent News

You most likely see the EnerStar Electric crews out and about, working on power lines and other elec...
Don’t Fall Victim to Utility Scams! Every day, millions of Americans are targeted by scammers throu...
The winningest basketball teams in history are consistent and have players with varying abilities. S...
For EnerStar members interested in running for the co-op board of directors, the April 2, 2024, dead...

Capital Credits

Capital Credits are a valuable benefit for members of electric cooperatives.

EnerStar is a not-for-profit electric cooperative. It is owned by those members who use our services. At the end of each year, any operating margins, or profits, are allocated to members receiving electric service during that year in the form of capital credits. 

Payment Options

Whether it be online or at a remote payment location, we accept various forms of payment and try our best to provide you with many outlets for your convenience. Please see our list of payment options that are available to you today.

Storm Center

Visit our Storm Center page to report and check outages. If you are experiencing an outage please call 1-800-635-4145. Downed lines? Please call and let us know your situation.

Visit Storm Center

Call Before You Dig

If you are planning on doing any digging around your home or business, state law requires that you contact the Call 811 at least two working days before you dig.

Call 811



Cooperative Statistics

Icon Light Bulb


kWh Sold

Icon Electric Meter


Kilowatt Hours Sold

Icon Miles of Line


Miles of Line