If you're experiencing a power outage, please call EnerStar Electric Cooperative at 800-635-4145 to report it, even if your neighbors have already contacted us. Here are a few tips to help you and your family during an extended power outage.

  • You safety comes first. Never go near downed electric lines. Even if your power is out, the lines could be energized. Call us at 800-635-4145 and report any downed lines. 
  • During an outage, turn off most lights and appliances to help prevent circuit overloading when your power is restored. Leave a light turned on so you’ll know when your power returns. 
  • Use the phone for emergencies only. Listening to a portable radio can provide the latest information. Do not call 911 for information – only call to report a life-threatening emergency.
  • Use flashlights or hurricane oil lamps instead of candles; if you must use a candle, keep young children away from it and never leave a candle unattended.
  • Don’t open your refrigerator or freezer. Food can stay fresh in a full refrigerator for 4-6 hours, and in a full deep freezer for 48 hours (24 hours if only half full). 
  • If using a grill to heat food, use it outside only to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Use a food thermometer to check the temperature of your food right before you cook or eat it. Throw away any refrigerated/frozen food that has a temperature of more than 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • If you fear your water pipes will freeze and you don’t have a well, turn the taps on slightly so the water slowly drips. If you are on a well, you can shut off the main water supply to your home and then turn all the taps on all the way to drain any remaining water (save this water in containers for drinking or washing.
  • If you are using a standby generator, make sure you use a transfer safety switch, which will prevent electricity from traveling back through the electric lines which makes the lines very dangerous for crews working to restore power.
  • If you use a portable generator, connect the equipment you want to power directly to the outlets on the generator. Do not connect a portable generator to a home’s electrical system. 
  • Never use gas-powered generators indoors or in an enclosed area. Always allow for proper ventilation to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.