Application for Membership

Application for Membership and Residential Electric Service Agreement

This completed application, payment of appropriate fees and security deposit, and acceptance by Enerstar Electric Cooperative are required to establish membership and electric service with the cooperative.
Type of Membership
Do you currently or have you ever received electricity from EnerStar Electric Co-op?

Membership Information

Please enter your full name (first, middle, last).
Billing Address
Type Phone Operations
Previous Address
Landlord Name
Please enter your full name (first, middle, last).

Site/Structure Information

MUST include the “911” Address

Site Address
Are you the owner of this location or are you renting?
Property owner, if renting
How would you classify this site?

I (we) certify the above to be true and correct. I (we) have read and acknowledge the terms and conditions stated here, which constitutes a contract. I (we) acknowledge that a facsimile or electronic signature has the same force and effect as a signed original and satisfies any applicable rule of law. I (we) apply for membership and/or electric service from Enerstar Coopartive.  I (we) agree to pay all charges for services. If I (we) default on payment and Enerstar Coopartive undertakes collection proceedings, I (we) must pay the charges, late fees, costs of collection, attorney’s fees and expenses. 

Terms and Conditions for Electric Service
1.    The signed Application for Membership and Electric Service Agreement constitutes a contract between Enerstar Coopartive and the Applicant(s) for the provision of electric service, upon acceptance by Enerstar Coopartive, and you will then become a member/owner in Enerstar Coopartive . This contract shall remain in effect until terminated according to the terms hereof or the bylaws, policies and regulations of Enerstar Coopartive, which has the sole discretion to determine the reason to terminate this Agreement. Under this Agreement, you agree to comply with the Enerstar Coopartive bylaws, any amendments to them, and its policies, rates and regulations. Further information is available to you at  or by calling Enerstar Coopartive at 800-635-4145.

2.    Enerstar Coopartive may obtain a credit report to address creditworthiness. Applicants who are not a credit risk will not be charged a deposit for connection and electric service. Residential class applicants who pose some credit risk will be charged a deposit of $250.00, while those who pose substantial credit risk will be charged a deposit of $500.00 or two (2) times the usual monthly billing amount, whichever is greater. Residential class deposits will be kept for at least 24 months, subject to Enerstar Coopartive review. If such review indicates no credit risk after that time, the deposit will be refunded by a bill credit.  Enerstar Coopartive also offers a PrePaid Advantage Program which is available to certain qualified applicants and is subject to alternate deposit requirements. Commercial class applicants may be charged a deposit equal to three (3) times the maximum monthly billing amount. Deposits must be paid in full before electric service will be connected.

3.    Members shall purchase electric service for each location requested at Enerstar Coopartive ’s general service rate for the applicable class of service. Members shall inform Enerstar Coopartive of any special service requirements that may qualify for a service rate other than the general service rate. Members shall pay Enerstar Coopartive’s applicable monthly minimum charge regardless of the number of kilowatt-hours used.

4.    Billing for a new or upgraded electric service will begin when Enerstar Coopartive has completed installation of the facilities at the requested location. Members shall reimburse Enerstar Coopartive for the total cost of installation of such facilities regardless of whether the applicant decides to accept electric service at the location.

5.    Member’s electric facilities must comply with the National Electrical Code standards. Members are responsible for the inspection, maintenance and repair of any electric facilities up to the point of connection with Enerstar Coopartive facilities, as further described in the bylaws, policies and regulations of the cooperative. All electrical equipment used in connection with the electric service must be of a design, construction, installation and operation that will not interfere with electric service to other members. If the equipment at your location does not comply with those requirements, Enerstar Coopartive may discontinue the electric service until those conditions are corrected.

6.    Enerstar Coopartive shall strive to provide continuous service, but it does not and cannot guarantee an uninterrupted supply of electric service. Enerstar Coopartive shall not be responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the interruption or disturbance of service for any cause other than its gross negligence. Enerstar Coopartive shall not be liable for any loss of profits or other consequential damages resulting from the use of service or any interruption thereof. Enerstar Coopartive has the right to suspend electric service for the purpose of making repairs, improvements, or extensions, as necessary or as required by applicable law or regulation. You shall indemnify, defend and hold Enerstar Coopartive and any of its directors, officers, agents and representatives harmless from and against all liability, loss, costs, causes of action, demands, attorney fees, expenses, claims, suits and judgments of whatsoever kind, unless solely caused by Enerstar Coopartive, with respect to the provision of electricity on your property pursuant to this Application and Agreement.

7.    Members hereby grant an easement to Enerstar Coopartive to enter onto your property in order to construct, operate, inspect, repair, rebuild and maintain the electric distribution line(s), including all equipment and/or wiring, up to the meter or weatherhead, and lines on the premises serving other members. This grant shall include the right of ingress and egress, the right to maintain vegetation clearance in accordance with Enerstar Coopartive policies, regulations and standards, which includes keeping the easement area clear of buildings, structures, trees, shrubs and other vegetative undergrowth, whether by removal, cutting, trimming or spraying herbicide as Enerstar Coopartive shall determine in its sole discretion. The grant of easement shall also include the right to examine, maintain and replace Enerstar Coopartive meters. To the extent required by Enerstar Coopartive, members shall sign such documents as necessary for the confirmation or recording of such easement(s) with applicable governmental bodies.

8.    Meter bases must be approved and sealed by Enerstar Coopartive. Such seals shall not be tampered with or broken without the consent of Enerstar Coopartive, except in emergency circumstances. Any disconnection devices shall be promptly placed below all meter bases that are not located on a building or that serve more than one service entrance.

9.    In the event electric service is provided but not paid for, and Enerstar Coopartive commences collection proceedings, you agree to pay all amounts due, including, late fees, costs, expenses and attorney’s fees incurred by Enerstar Coopartive in order to recover all amounts owed. In the event of nonpayment for labor and materials, Enerstar Coopartive shall have the right to record liens for such amounts. Unpaid final bills for service at a particular Member’s location may be transferred to other active accounts in order to obtain payment, regardless of the applicable service class.

10.    The type of membership you select (single, joint, or business) is important. If you are unsure which option to choose, please discuss your options with an Enerstar Coopartive representative.

11.    Terms of this membership agreement are subject to change by action of the Board of Directors without resubmitting those terms to Members for assent and signature.
Contact Authorization

Office Use Only

$ amount
Terms and Conditions of Application for Electric Service – Things to Know About Your Account
  • This signed Application for Membership and Electric Service constitutes a contract between EnerStar Electric Cooperative (Cooperative) and the Applicant(s) for the provision of electric service. Upon acceptance by Cooperative, Applicant will become a member/owner of the cooperative. This contract shall remain in effect until terminated according to the terms herein or bylaws, policies, and rules of Cooperative, which has the sole discretion to determine the reason to terminate this agreement. Applicant agrees to comply with and be bound by the terms of the Cooperative Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws as presented by the Board of Directors and duly approved by the cooperative membership. Applicant further agrees to the terms of policies adopted by the Board of Directors, as amended without resubmitting those terms of membership for assent and signature. Applicant acknowledges that he/she has been advised that a current copy of Cooperative’s Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and policies are available at A written copy may be provided by contacting the Cooperative. Applicant understands a signed membership application and payment of a meter deposit is a prerequisite to receiving service. 
  • Cooperative may perform a credit assessment to verify Applicant’s identity and to address creditworthiness for establishing the meter deposit. If a deposit is required that is higher than the minimum deposit amount, Applicant will receive a Letter of Adverse Action which explains the information provided by the credit reporting agency for which the credit decision was used.
  • When electric service becomes available, Applicant will purchase from the Cooperative all electric energy delivered to Applicant at the service location indicated on this application and at all other locations where service is hereafter requested. Applicant agrees to pay monthly for electric service at rates established by the Cooperative Board of Directors. All members shall pay Cooperative’s Grid Access Fee regardless of the number of kilowatt-hours used during the billing period.
  • The Applicant’s electric facilities must initially be installed and thereafter maintained to comply with the National Electrical Code.  Applicant is responsible for the inspection, maintenance, and repair of any electric facilities up to the point of connection with Cooperative’s facilities, as further described in the Bylaws, and Policies of the Cooperative. All electrical equipment used in connection with the electric service must be of a design, construction, installation, and operation that will not interfere with electric service to other members. If Applicant’s equipment does not comply with those requirements, Cooperative may discontinue the electric service until those non-compliant conditions are verified as remedied by Cooperative personnel. 
  • If the Applicant is requesting new or upgraded electric service, a Cooperative representative will meet with the Applicant to determine the location and configuration of electrical facilities based upon Applicant’s stated needs. Cooperative will soon thereafter determine the cost of construction as well as the Applicant’s required financial contribution towards such construction. This payment is non-refundable and must be paid in full before construction begins.
  • The meter base will be located only in areas acceptable to Cooperative. Meters will be sealed, and such seals shall not be tampered with or broken without the consent of Cooperative, except in cases of emergency. Any disconnect devices shall be placed next to the meter base. The Applicant shall take all reasonable and proper precautions to prevent damage and/or theft to Cooperative’s facilities located on the Applicant’s premises. Should damage occur and therein create an unsafe or out of compliance situation, or if there is evidence of meter tampering, Cooperative may disconnect service from the Cooperative electric system without notice. If Cooperative property is damaged or tampered with, Cooperative may collect from the responsible party or member of record where service is located, the cost of repairs and/or replacement, including compensation for lost revenue to the cooperative.
  • Applicant acknowledges that the Cooperative cannot guarantee a continuous supply of electric energy.  The Cooperative shall not be responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the interruption or disturbance of electric service for any cause other than gross negligence by the Cooperative. The Cooperative shall not be liable for any loss of profits or other consequential damages resulting from the use of service or any interruption or disturbance of service. Applicant shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Cooperative and any of its directors, officers, agents, and representatives, against all liability, loss, costs, causes of action, demands, attorney fees, expenses, claims, suits, and judgements of whatsoever kind, unless solely caused by gross negligence by the Cooperative.
  • The Applicant hereby grants to the Cooperative, its successors and assigns, the right to easement and permission to enter onto said premises to construct, operate, inspect, repair, rebuild, and maintain distribution line(s) serving said location, including all equipment and/or wiring subsequently attached, up to the meter or weather head, and lines on the premises serving other members. If new electric distribution facilities need to be constructed to serve Cooperative Members, the Applicant agrees to execute any easement(s) required by the Cooperative after the Cooperative has consulted with the Applicant regarding the location of the new electric facilities. The easement granted shall include the right of ingress and egress over the premises, the right to cut or fell trees, to spray herbicides within the line rights-of-way, maintain clearance in accordance with Cooperative standards, to keep the easement clear of all building, structures, trees, shrubs, and undergrowth, and, to maintain Cooperative facilities as required. This easement shall also include the right to read, maintain, and replace Cooperative metering equipment.
  • Applicant agrees to provide the Cooperative a current mailing address and any change of address. Monthly billing statements and all further correspondence will be sent to the mailing address last provided by the Applicant. Applicant further agrees that all correspondence from Cooperative shall be presumed to have been delivered when mailed to the address provided to the Cooperative by Applicant. Failure to receive statement does not release Applicant from payment obligations. A meter deposit may not be used as a form of payment unless a traditional billed account converts to PrePaid Go electric service. Should bills not be paid by the due date specified on the billing, Cooperative may at any time thereafter, upon written notice to Applicant, discontinue electric service.
  • In order for the Cooperative to service the Applicant’s account or to collect any amounts Applicant may owe, Applicant understands that the Cooperative may contact Applicant by telephone at any telephone number associated with Applicant’s account, including wireless telephone numbers, which could result in charges to Applicant.  The Cooperative may also contact Applicant by sending text messages, emails, or any other communication method that Applicant provides to Cooperative.  Methods of contact may include using pre-recorded/artificial voice messages and/or use of an automatic dialing device, as applicable.  Phone numbers/email addresses provided by Applicant will not be disclosed to anyone other than Cooperative personnel and will be used for the sole purpose of communication between the Cooperative and Applicant.
  • Cooperative may refuse to connect or may discontinue service for the violation of any of its Rules and Regulations, provisions of the Schedule of Rates and Charges, terms within the membership, and/or terms of any written contract between the Cooperative and Member. Cooperative may discontinue service to Member for the theft of service or the appearance of theft of service devices on the premises of Member. The discontinuance of service by Cooperative for any causes as stated in this rule does not release Applicant from the financial obligation to Cooperative. If service is disconnected due to non-payment and financial obligation to the Cooperative is not paid in full within 10 days, any deposit on file will be applied to the account and the account will be closed.
  • In the event electric service is provided but not paid for, and Cooperative commences collection proceedings, Applicant agrees to pay all reasonable costs associated with collections of past due accounts including, but not limited to, late fees, incurred collection expenses, and/or attorney fees. In the event of nonpayment for labor and/or material, EnerStar shall have the right to record liens for such amount.  Unpaid final bills may be transferred to another active account to obtain payment, where Applicant is the member of record on that account, regardless the membership status. After all collection attempts have been made to no avail, Applicant’s unretired capital credits will be applied to the outstanding debts and obligations, in accordance with Cooperative policies regarding treatment of same.
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