Morning, noon or night, whether it’s sun or rain, cold or hot, America’s lineworkers are on the fron...
Trees are majestic, beautiful and good for the soul. But we also know that our members depend on us ...
As a not-for-profit electric cooperative, EnerStar is governed by a board of directors who are elect...
Although EnerStar Electric Cooperative works hard to maintain our equipment, monitor power delivery ...

Lineworker Scholarship

Considering a career as a lineworker?

Know the signs of a scam

It’s no secret that consumers with a water, gas or electricity connection have long been targets for...
Happy New Year from EnerStar! With the new year, there are many ongoing projects and a few changes h...
If you depend on life support equipment, contact EnerStar.

Why we plan outages

Sometimes, you may hear that EnerStar will be having a “planned outage.” Ever wondered why?
For more than 60 years, the electric cooperatives of Illinois have given tomorrow’s leaders the oppo...
This month, in the final edition of our ongoing series introducing our co-op employees, we will high...
After a nationwide search, the EnerStar Electric Cooperative board of directors has appointed Paris-...