Do you have an idea of how much energy your household appliances consume? It's possible that your big-screen television or the old spare refrigerator in the garage is consuming more energy than you think. An energy usage monitor can help you detect the amount of electricity your appliances consume, including those pesky" phantom loads" of products that continue to consume electricity even when turned off.
You can easily use the TrickleStar Energy Monitor, available for loan to Enerstar Members, to check the energy consumption of your household appliances. Simply plug the energy usage monitor into any household outlet and add your item to the monitor. It will display the amount of electricity being consumed, regardless of whether the appliance is turned on or off.
If you're interested, you can check out the monitor by visiting the office in Paris. You can keep it for about a week or so and discover how much energy your appliances consume differently.
For more information, please contact Member Services at 1-800-635-4145.