EnerStar is a non-profit electric cooperative and is owned by those it serves. We are guided by 7 Cooperative Principles, with the second principle being "Democratic Member Control." Therefore, the membership elects nine fellow co-op members to serve on the Board of Directors.
These nine directors are responsible for decision-making related to policy, rate strategies, financial planning, and service quality improvements, all of which are critical for the long-term success of our electric cooperative.
Within this group of nine directors, 'officers' are elected by the board. These officers, like the quarterback on a football team, play a crucial role in keeping the board focused and effective. While every board member's involvement is essential, the role of these officers is of utmost importance. Because of their significance, certain requirements are established for becoming an officer. These requirements include both personal characteristics and conduct.
The document on the left outlines these requirements. The co-op board has established these requirements to ensure that the highest level of decisions is entrusted to individuals who possess the qualities you, as members, value and trust.